Our Story
The Retired Ambulance Association of Victoria Inc. encourages you to seek more information about our Association, our meetings and activities which are held throughout most regions of the state.
Our Association was founded in 1977 after several former members of the Ambulance Service decided there should be a way that retired members could keep in touch with each other after their retirement. This first meeting consisted of 27 attendees who set up a committee that was charged with organising regular gatherings of retired ambulance personnel where friendships born in any branch of an Ambulance Service in Victoria could be nurtured to keep the culture and companionship alive.
The original meeting of 16th October 1977 formulated the principals of the Association and these are still the guiding structure today, although some changes have been suggested and approved by the membership from time to time. In 1990 the Association decided to become more organised and authorised the committee with the aim of becoming an Incorporated Association. Existing records show that Mr. Norm Mills was the first President of this unincorporated group. Since then the Associations membership has progressed at a steady rate with membership covering all areas of the State and with some members who are now living interstate continuing their membership. 1992 saw a new Constitution and Rules established, the Association became incorporated on the 15th August and new President, Chas Martin, taking charge in September that year.
The year 2012 was marked by the first meetings outside the Melbourne Metropolitan area, being established in the South West and North East of the state. Since then several other districts have commenced regular meetings including the areas of Geelong & Surf Coast, Ballarat & Central West, Gippsland, North West Victoria and Central & Northern Victoria. These Districts continue to flourish, with new areas being considered for the not too distant future. New Government regulations assisted in redefining the ideals of the Association and to restructure through a new Constitution in 2013. September 2018 we updated and revised some sections of the Constitution to reflect current management and business standards.
At the Annual General Meeting held on 9th September 2015 our President, Chas Martin, stood aside after 15 plus years in the Chair. We then welcomed, as President, Ray Lougheed to undertake the task of the Presidency into the future. With the ever increasing Membership the Committee of Management has been increased to assist with the every day functioning of our Association. Several of our Districts have also formed small sub-committees to organise and run their Districts with more and varied local functions.
In September 2018 Ray stood aside and the presidency passed to Ian Donaldson.
At the 2023 Annual General Meeting Greg Wood was elected President, Steve Mulligan, Vice President, Jim Ballard, Secretary of the Association.
Membership is available to all who are currently employed, have resigned, left through illness, have retired or transitioning to retirement whether working in a part time or full time capacity within the Ambulance or other industry.
Full membership details and how to Apply are listed on the Membership page
Our Mission
To foster a continuing relationship between both current & former members of the Service.
To invite all colleagues to join the Association
To encourage continued participation by members in social functions organised and run by the Association
To encourage consideration by members for the welfare of their fellow members.
To foster a continuing interest in the activities of the Ambulance Service
We offer ongoing support and services throughout the State and endeavour to ensure all current & former employees are able to gain our support, be it either Wellness & Welfare or social functions as and when there is a need for assistance.
Our Purpose
To mutually benefit members by fostering a spirit of comradeship
To promote a spirit of goodwill and fellowship amongst its members
To use any legitimate means to protect and advance the interests of its members
To show consideration and comradeship to each other at all times, particularly in cases of sickness or death
To arrange visits to members when they are sick; and render such assistance as maybe necessary or practical
To assist widows and widowers or families in time of grief or sorrow
To provide and publish newsletters
To show respect where possible by attending the funeral of any deceased member and
To administer the funds and assets of the Association to the benefit of the members and to facilitate the effective administration of the Association.