

Membership is available to all who are currently employed, have resigned, left through illness, have retired or transitioning to retirement whether working in a part time or full time capacity within the Ambulance or other industry.

All staff members of an Ambulance Service of Victoria are entitled to join the Association. This includes: Ambulance Officers of any rank, administration, maintenance. mechanical or any other ancillary division.

Staff members of any of the previous 16 regions prior to 1988, the following 7 regions from 1988 to 1998 and with the amalgamation into Rural Ambulance Victoria & Metropolitan Ambulance Service, to the now Ambulance Victoria,  are encouraged to seek membership of the Association. Membership is also available to staff from any of the State Private Ambulance Companies.

You are encouraged to join simply click the "Become a member" button below & choose how you wish to apply. Applications will then be considered by the Committee to review the service aspects of the applicant and to ensure they have left with a “clear and honourable service record” and are of “good fame and character”.

The annual membership fee is $30.00, paid via EFT, for the period July 1 to June 30.

Joining fees do not apply.

If joining after 30 March you will receive membership through to the end of the next financial year (i.e. up to 15 months).

Become a Member

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