Retired & Former Employee (RAFE) Peer Support


Although your direction has changed, we still share the same journey. 

The Retired and Former Employee (RAFE) Peer Support Program is a joint initiative between Ambulance Victoria (AV) and Retired Ambulance Association Victoria (RAAV) available to all former employees of AV. The programme commenced in in May 2018.

The program allows volunteers to provide confidential support to previous employees who have retired or resigned and assist in linking them into appropriate support if requiring counselling or experiencing mental health issues. 

RAFE volunteers are not qualified counsellors and are unable to make psychological assessments, but they do have great listening and communication skills that allow them to assist those who are seeking help. 

Ambulance Victoria encourages all former employees to engage with this service – which is free – if they feel they require help. 

To contact the AV Retired and Former Employee Peer Support Program:

Available 9 AM – 5 PM daily 

RAFE is also supported by current day AV Peer Support Responders.

The Current RAFE Peer Support Responders are:

Janelle McMANUS and Philip WADE are RAAV Members.

The RAFE Program is not a crisis service. If you are in crisis, please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or if there is an immediate risk, dial Triple Zero (000). 


Download the Frequently Asked Questions Information Sheet


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