Bowls Gr8 for Brains

About Us

Bowls Gr8 for Brains was founded as an organisation to provide Mental Health support through lawn bowling programmes. 
Bowls Gr8 for Brains is dedicated to the implementation of the Lawn bowling concept as a means of combatting social isolation, combatting and preventing suicide and improving people’s mental health & well-being. 
Our aim is to assist with the challenges faced by our First Responders (Police, Ambulance & Firemen) and Military Families who endure living with PTSD and other mental health issues as a result of their service to our country. 
Family & friends welcome 
We do not provide Counselling, but we do provide coffee and a friendly chat. This can be during the bowling or after.
We do not score the games but encourage participants to learn the basics of the game and to enjoy the banter and camaraderie.
We provide bowls and the basic coaching that enables participants to learn to bowl.
We also are prepared to listen to participants and encourage them to enjoy the day.
If anyone would like to attend, we appreciate an email or phone call so we are prepared.

Locations & Contacts

Chirnside Park Country Club

Where: 68 Kingswood Drive Chirnside Park 

When:  Every 3rd Sunday of the month starting

Time:   10.00 am for a 10.30 start.

Gavin Wall

M:  0429 463 789


Morwell Bowling Club

Where:  52 Hazelwood Rd Morwell

When:   4th Sunday of the month

Time:    10:30 AM

Sarah Ashby

M:  0484 526 444


Commercial Club Albury

Where:  618 Dean St Albury

When:    Every Thursday

Time:     9:00 AM

Darryl Coventry

M:  0427 973 021


Contact Us